And this is from someone whose defended Rome 2 since the launch. Unless this game gets 100/100 reviews from every reviewer in the known universe, I won't touch it at all. How much of that is coming from GW being the money grubbers that we all know they are is unknown and probably will never be known.ĭon't pre order it, and don't buy it full stop, that's what i'm doing. That's £50, knowing that there going to be bringing out an assload of DLC, knowing that there going be 2 more games after this one as well. The most reprehensible thing about is the price of the base game itself. Will a petition stop an already established practice? Nope. Have they put Chaos as the DLC faction because they know it will sell really really really well? You fucking bet they have. This is not a "different animal entirely", CA have an established routine of bringing out factions as DLC. It's exactly as if Blizzard had decided to make the undead campaign a pre-order DLC (to use a more accurate, but dated example).I get where you are coming from, and I understand, I was hyped for this game as well.

It's almost as if Valve had decided that the terrorist faction was a pre-order DLC for CS:GO.

They're cutting away a huge part of the game. They're not trying to lure people in with a different skin, or even a lesser playable character/faction. In any case, it doesn't cost you more than 10-15 seconds of your time to sign the petition. If people put their money where their mouth is, this game will not do too well, commercially. The official announcement trailer ( ) for the pre-order DLC is figuratively ravaged by dislikes and negative comments, and they decided to remove the public reviews on the game's page on steam, which were almost exclusively complaints about the Chaos Warriors DLC.

If their predicted sales suffer, and they've gotten a few successful petitions and letters sent to them, that might help convince them to change their policy. People will vote with their money and that's all that really matters, but seeing as they've gotten an exorbitant amount of negative feedback from the fans (which I hope indicates that they're not falling for it this time) a petition here and there might help tip the scales. You can vote with your money that is the real power.A petition isn't exactly a "last resort nuclear option", it's not like it's something you only bring forth to stop genocides and such. Doing a petition on such triviality? I swear someday that nobody will be bothered with any petitions any more.